Is this normal with Rough Riders?

edited May 2017 in BONES WHEELS
I have been riding these Rough Riders for about a month. Is this normal?

I love the wheels, but they are so expensive here in Germany, can't afford €55 ever month for new wheels.
Thanks for the feedback!


  • edited May 2017
    Sorry, having trouble posting photos
  • Welcome @Dave , they are not meant for sliding, grinding...pretty much anything except rolling and carving. Buy some Bombers instead. Or if you can handle harder, G Bones imo
  • edited May 2017
    @WakeInFright thanks. Yeah I know they aren't meant to slide, i let a friend "try" my deck, and he immediately did the powerslide that wrecked the wheel.

    I'm riding my last set of NOS Bullet 92s on my main deck.

    This set up is inspired by the Polarizers that Neil Blender & crew are building in Ocean Beach.

    I rebuilt Roller Skate trucks with new bones bushings/pivot cups, riding rough riders 56 w/bones super reds, on a 6 x 26 deck. Lightning fast, carves like a dream...
  • Unfortunately it's normal, I have a thread here about the same. You slide, they die.
  • Thanks @cwalker3 just read the thread. I don't plan to slide my next set... I love these wheels for barreling through my neighborhood nonstop. German streets and sidewalks are insane.
  • edited May 2017
    Agree, still love the wheels, you just have to treat them special.

    If you reach out to SkateOne, they will replace them. My replacements are still going strong, they are ausgezeichnet. Just don't slide!
  • ur friend owes u new wheels then
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