Hi, can anyone tell me apart from the obvious size and graphics, what is/was the difference between the early 90's 60mm rat bones wheels and the later 59mm ones with the RB graphic?
They look exactly the same to me apart from those two things and i'm wondering if they actually are the same profile and riding surface as well as urethane formula.
If i get some of the 59mm ones will they feel and ride the same as the 60mm's ?
Powell please reissue 80's 90's profiles and durometers 92/95/97a so we dont have to tral for NOS product to ride.
I want to see the early 90's Rat Bones, Mini Rats and Cross Bones back and i'm sure some might even want OG style T Bones too !
T-Bones are getting harder to find, Oldschool's stock dried up a while ago. I'd probably buy them here and there if they are reissued.
CROSS BONES on the other hand, NEED to be reissued...
Don't know what works better the new safer more enviro friendly chemicals or the old stuff.
Everyone has their own preferences. I personally long og rat bones for skating skating chunky LA streets a dn still can get a lil sideways with them in rougher walks. I think their perfect for pools and fun at smooth park bowls. Not for technical skating. Surf the concrete! 10×30 old school deck and you good to thrash
Never rode the new ones but from this pic it looks like the cut is a little different, possibly a lil harder.. og's are 90A.