yoo i cant heelflip i need help

i cant heelflip when i try it flips and flies forward or i just do a pop shuvit by accident(not land


  • and i wanna look cool
  • back foot in the ollie position,front foot in ollie position but hang ur toes a bit off the edge then ollie and slide ur front foot off the nose then jump wait for it to flip all the way then catch it with both feet then roll away
  • Really hard thing to put into words. There are a lot of good YouTube videos on this one. I quit trying and pretty much lost all my progress, but continually trying and tweaking your approach is how you'll get there. I have to make myself lean back, and remind myself of it each time or the board goes behind me (or I jump in front of it). There have been times when I've flipped it perfectly each time but the board landed a mile behind me.
  • lol ye
    i quit trying then started again
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