Late 90s-2k clothing

Hey guys, so recently I’ve grown really fond of the Powell artwork from roughly 97-01. I’m talking angelboy, Pat channitas penguin, Moses itkonen, Wainwright, Macdonald, etc. I love the cartoony style. I’m trying to hunt down old clothing from that era, does anyone have some for sale, or know where I might be able to find some of this stuff?



  • edited May 2022
    go to ebay i actually came from that era and a local dude from here in maryland was the brains behind angel boy (it was made to fuck with the world industries devil man) and most powell/bones wheels graphics from the mid 90s up til 2007 when he left and also rds skateshop/skateboards recently did some parody graphics of some of the ex-powell riders old graphics like the jason ellis eagle from 95ish and the moses itknonen red sea splitting dwarf from 1999
  • edited May 2022
    Wow that’s crazy, does he have a website or did he work on projects elsewhere? Awesome artist. Thanks for the advice
  • yea his name is tanner goldbeck and no prob also check out etsy and poshmark and mercari
  • His website is great, has all his work. God his designs for itkonen and especially channita are amazing
  • edited May 2022
    facts and if u want to hear more about his time working at powell check out his interview with in the patch with cabbage it is a VERY interesting interview lol
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