
  • @gap rules! I love the huge variety of wheels produced at skateone, but my favorites are 85a and 90a.
  • that company c.u. really does waste ur time
  • it is amazing how he just rattles this stuff off the top of his head. I can barely remember last week clearly, much less 40 years ago. I don't think George gets enough credit for his design/creation influence. Where would we be if we didn't have someone like him...obsessive, intelligent, and dedicated to progressing skate products. Super cool.
  • yea he is really under-rated to say the least
  • Underrated? @gap is Skate Rated™.
  • Ha ha, skate rated with the "TM"...nice touch!
  • George is always talked about as being an innovator, engineer, company owner, etc., but something that is also cool about him which seems to never be mentioned in articles and such except when he mentions it- he's a skater. He loves to skate too. Not a pro that started a skate company, of course. But a regular dude who likes to skate. Well, maybe more than regular because he's got the big brain and can design and make super cool skate products.
  • I can't access that link
  • it is running a bit slow
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