Tailbone size - Tony Hawk Skull Reissue Deck - 10 x 30.05

edited November 2014 in Bones Brigade
Just bought a Tony Hawk Skull Reissue Deck - 10 x 30.05 . Which PP tailbone should fit best? 8.00" or 8.75"? Thanks!


  • I'd say 8.75 for sure, that's a wide ass tail
  • Heya guys. I bought one the same and chasing down someone who still sells tailbones and nose bones. EBay sellers want telephone numbers. Any ideas? Cheers.
  • Looks like color is going to be the issue. ozzie has a few tailbones left, not the best colors but he has a few. Oldskull has some pink nosebones. Looks like the jawbones are easily available in mutipal colors at socal.
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