10th Bones Brigade series!



  • The all green series would have me completely 100% in. Just because the color although I have all of the decks in other colors.
    If that Mountain crest would show up I'd be in paradise!
    Love your work @billy_bakker ! Keep the colors OG!
  • Yellow Hawk C'mon!!!! :)
  • With all the Welly shirts they have been doing fuck the Mullen freestyle off, and do a Welly freestyle deck instead! Jeez, Per was there for just as long! :#
  • Green Hawk and Cab!
  • Hawk condom nose in RED... throbbing. Might as well do the McGill in red as well... double the pleasure.
  • The Farter's Explode condom nose deck in lime green is a license to print money
  • Need some silver and natty decks done.
  • A natty street Hawk, a silver LMCrest, a red og shaped Cab BanThis, a green condom nosed McGill, a black TG Irongate and a blue Per Welly freestyle would be nice!
  • Yeah cab ban this with a slight kick nose and a pointy Guerrero
  • They should make the 10th the last series, but instead of doing the 6 usual decks, they should do the decks they've done but in the colors everybody has been wanting, and also do all the decks that they haven't done yet that everybody has been wanting. Hype it up and then blow it out with a giant finale.
  • better talk to the pros about it because they have the final say
  • I'm calling Cab, Hawk, TG, Lance, and Mike now...
  • Say hi from me
  • Thumbs up to that, @SK8ER !
  • The bones brigade said to tell the forum they will agree to whatever the forum wants! Shhhhweet!
  • Oh fhew! I need the greens.
  • Lettuce, spinach, broccoli, kale.....
  • White bottlenose Chicken Skull!!!
  • @macready I thought you perished in Antarctica after defeating the Thing! Glad to see you're alive and well and shredding!
  • Superbad I know, but @macready for some @mclovin! :D
  • Waiting for the rescue team and my white bottlenose chicken skull...
  • My 10th series wishlist:
    Cab- Ban This (identical shape, concave, and colorway as seen in video)
    McGill- bottle nose skull n snake purple with red snakeskin overlay
    Hawk- bottle nose deck with "experimental" text (as seen in Public Domain)
    Guerrero- pink vato rat he won the Sacto contest on in Future Primitive
    Mountain- Stecyk vato skull from BBVS
    Mullen- freestyle shape with oversized Ray Bones graphic like his actual shaved down decks he would make for himself back in the day
  • @klayts
    Yes! I have always wanted the Stecyk Vato Skull that Lance skated in BBVS.
  • Flip made one when Lance got on Nike, it's pretty sweet, was signed and numbered. Flip also keeps churning out that graphic (on non-pigs), so I doubt we'd see PP use it.
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